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BLS CPR Instructor with CPR Buddy Become a Certified Instructor

Join us as a certified American Heart Association instructor. Train to become a:

  • BLS Instructor

  • CPR Instructor

  • First Aid Instructor

  • HeartCode® Skills Instructor

  • HeartSaver® Skills Instructor

Start your journey in teaching life-saving skills today!

bls instructor classes in st petersburg fl

Serving St Petersburg and Tampa Bay Since 2009

Benefits of Becoming a BLS Instructor with CPR Buddy


  • No Annual Fees:

    • Instructors are not required to pay annual fees for alignments.

  • Competitive Certification Cards:

    • Course certification cards are offered at competitive prices, making them highly affordable.



Courses You Can Teach


Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers:
Comprehensive life-saving techniques for adults, children, and infants.
Use of Automated External Defibrillators (AED).
Heartsaver® Courses:
Heartsaver®  CPR AED: Lifesaving skills and AED usage for the general public.
Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED: Combined training in first aid, lifesaving techniques, and AED usage.
Heartsaver® Pediatric First Aid CPR AED: Emergency care procedures for children and infants.
First Aid Training:
Basic skills for treating common injuries and emergencies.
Bloodborne Pathogens Training:
Procedures for handling and preventing exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
Infant Resuscitation:
Specialized techniques for infants, ensuring effective and safe care.
Family & Friends® Resuscitation:
Informal life-saving skills training for family members and friends, ideal for non-certification learning.
Workplace Safety Courses:
Customized training for workplace safety, including emergency response planning and risk assessment.

Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor Course Description




  • Instructor Roles: Learn the key roles and responsibilities of a BLS Instructor.

  • Administrative Training: Master the administrative tasks required to manage BLS courses and issue certifications.

  • AHA Certification: Receive an American Heart Association BLS Instructor certification upon successful completion.

  • Flexible Learning: Available in both in-person and blended learning formats.


What You'll Learn


  1. Instructor Roles and Responsibilities:

    • Understanding the essential duties of a BLS Instructor.

    • Ensuring adherence to AHA guidelines and maintaining course integrity.

  2. Administrative Tasks:

    • Managing course logistics, including scheduling, registration, and classroom setup.

    • Handling the paperwork and documentation required for issuing AHA certifications.

  3. Course Management:

    • Organizing and coordinating BLS classes effectively.

    • Maintaining accurate records of student progress and course completion.

  4. Certification Process:

    • Steps involved in certifying students and issuing AHA completion cards.

    • Ensuring compliance with AHA protocols for skill assessment and documentation.

  5. Resource Utilization:

    • Utilizing AHA instructional materials and resources effectively.

    • Accessing and navigating the AHA Instructor Network for updates and support.


Who Should Take This Course


  • Healthcare Professionals: Nurses, doctors, paramedics, and other medical personnel who wish to take on the role of a BLS Instructor.

  • Current BLS Providers: Individuals who already possess BLS certification and want to manage BLS courses.

  • Community Leaders: Individuals involved in community health and safety education looking to handle course administration.

  • Educators and Trainers: Teachers and trainers interested in the administrative aspects of BLS education.




  • Current American Heart Association BLS Provider certification.

  • Completion of the BLS Instructor Essentials online course.

  • Strong understanding of BLS skills and concepts.

  • 18 years of age.


Course Duration


  • In-Person BLS Instructor Classroom: Typically a full-day session, lasting approximately 5 hours.

  • Blended Learning:

    • Online Instructor Essentials Course:1 hour.

    • Instructor Candidate monitoring and evaluation of an in-person class within six months.


Certification Process


  1. Completion of the BLS Instructor Essentials online course.

  2. Participation in the in-person Instructor-Led Session.

  3. Successful demonstration of BLS skills and understanding of administrative responsibilities.

  4. Mentored teaching experience under the supervision of an experienced AHA Instructor.


Benefits of Certification


  • Administrative Expertise: Develop your skills in managing BLS courses and issuing certifications.

  • Professional Development: Enhance your qualifications and contribute to the education of healthcare providers.

  • AHA Network: Join a global network of American Heart Association instructors.


Enroll in the Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor course today and take on the vital role of managing and certifying BLS providers in your community!

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